Leishmania circles the globe and is second only to malaria as a parasitic killer. So why haven’t you heard of this horrifying disease?
An innovative video game takes pre-teen boys to an alien planet to learn how to have healthy relationships.
When you imagine the latest weapon in the fight, the image that comes to mind isn't likely to be a soap opera.
Tali Konry wants to design a more efficient serial killer. That may sound sketchy, but her killers are immune cells and their target is cancer.
What do a robotic teddy bear and a wearable biosensor have in common? They both use health informatics to improve the lives of young patients.
One of the biggest obstacles to new medical treatments—everything from medications to medical devices—is finding participants for clinical trials.
In an orphanage perched on a hill high above Quito, Ecuador, a 4-year-old boy with cerebral palsy was trapped inside himself.
It took vision, persistence, and guts. But there was nothing reckless about Dan Levangie's brand of risk taking.
Lauren Ansong parlayed a difficult situation during her internship into an award-winning paper and a career on the frontlines of the opioid crisis.